Patience, perseverance and hard work, will bring the crops to harvest.

Hi there! Thank you for visiting my web site.  Do you realize that you have just taken a very difficult step?  I’m going to make an assumption.  (I know. I always tell my patients to never assume.)  I’m going to assume that you are at least toying with the idea of asking for help.

That’s a scary proposition!  Does it seem to you that asking for help is a sign of weakness?  Do you think that you should be able to handle your problems on your own?  Perhaps you think that you are making too much out of your issues?

If you have these thoughts, you are not alone.  So many of my patients over the years have told me that these ideas have greatly delayed them from getting help.  More on that later.

Let me introduce myself to you.  My name is Joe Donnellan.  I graduated New Jersey Medical School in Newark in 1986 and completed my psychiatric residency there in 1990.  I have been a board-certified psychiatrist for 33 years.

My first job was at the Carrier Foundation, in central Jersey, as a general staff psychiatrist.  At that time, Carrier was the third largest private psychiatric hospital in the country.  Being a tertiary referral center, during my three years there, there wasn’t much that I didn’t see.

I then left Carrier to start a private practice.  I also joined the medical staff of Robert Wood Johnson Somerset (formerly, Somerset Medical Center) in 1993.  First I treated patients on the General Psychiatric Unit and over that first year, I transitioned to working on their Eating Disorders Unit.

I was the Medical Director of the Eating Disorders Unit for 22 years and served as Chief of Psychiatry at the hospital from 1999 to 2018.

I had the best of both worlds.  The first half of my day, I enjoyed the excitement of the hospital.  When I walked onto the Eating Disorders Unit each morning, I truly never knew what to expect.  Then the second half of my day (and first half of my night), I would go to my private office in Hillsborough, which was somewhat more predictable.

Given the changing climate of hospital environments, I thought the time was right for me to leave, so in 2017, I decided to focus exclusively on my private practice.

In my private practice, I treat everything.  The most common problems that I see are depression, the anxiety disorders, including obsessive-compulsive disorder, and of course, eating disorders.  However, over the course of almost three decades, I don’t think that there are too many issues that I have not dealt with.

As far as age groups, I believe the youngest person I have treated was 7, and I am sure that I have treated people in their 90’s.  But, on any given day in the office, there will be people on the schedule from young adolescents to people in their 70’s.

As far as my thoughts about treatment, I will save that for my Services page.

But enough about me. Let’s get back to you.  At the end of the day, no matter what your problems are, getting help means taking a step, and then taking another.  Yes, it is scary.  Yes, it is hard.  It’s supposed to be.  Any exploration, where you’re not sure where you’re going, will be.  But, it is also exciting and new discoveries lie ahead of you.

If you have any questions and want more information, or if you want to make an appointment, please call Caroline (you’ll know it is her by her thick Irish accent!) at 908-725-5595.  If you have any questions for me, give a call – I’d be happy to chat with you.

I wish you all the best on your journey towards discovery.  Remember, take a step…then another.

Dr. D.

Coach Dugan:  Sneaking out like this?  Quitting?  You’ll regret it for the rest of your life.  Baseball is what gets inside you.  It’s what lights you up.  You can’t deny that.

Dottie:  It just got too hard.

Coach Dugan:  It’s supposed to be hard.  If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it.  It’s the hard that makes it great.

A League of their Own

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill

422 Courtyard Drive, Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844

At Route 206, North Bound side, 2 miles south of Somerville Circle
