Man is not disturbed by events, but by the view he takes of them.

Welcome to my website!
Congratulations on considering getting help. I always hear that the first phone call is the hardest step. In the beginning, it is easier to just pretend that your problems will go away. But, that strategy usually doesn’t work out too well.
This is a journey that we will take together. I will not give you all the answers, as I don’t have them. But I will help you find them. You probably don’t even know what all the questions are. Most people don’t. Often, once we figure out what the questions are, the answers come into focus.
It can be a scary journey, but an exciting one, also. I look forward to taking that journey with you.
Day and Evening Hours Available Monday through Friday
Same Day Appointments Often Available for Urgent Situations
33 Years Experience as a Board-Certified Psychiatrist
Specializing in Eating Disorders, Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Support Group
Free of Charge ~ Just Show Up
For People with OCD and their Families
Third Thursday of each Month 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Somerset. 110 Rehill Avenue, Somerville
Hamilton Conference Room
This group was founded by Dr. Donnellan in 1993 and he has led the group ever since. For any questions about the group, please call the office at 908-725-5595.